Saturday 13 January 2018

Out & About: Listen Up, #ListenOnline2018 is here!

Put your hand up if you received a Google Home or Alexa speaker for Christmas? If you don’t know what I am on about, then let me explain.  I bought two for my fiance and they are ace (one was only £35). Suddenly it makes listening to RedShift so much easier! We just walk into the kitchen, or upstairs landing (where we have the Mini speaker) and say “OK Google, play RedShift Radio” and within a few seconds, RedShift is broadcasting loud and clear around the house.

Of course, I am already an avid listener of RedShift, however the “old fashioned” way of pairing my
phone to a speaker, or opening my laptop to listen was indeed a bit clunky, compared to the genius
simplicity (and not to mention affordability) of these nifty new speakers that very simply link to your

So, armed with our new technology and a massively shameless plug for our broadcast output,
please let me take a few minutes to tell you about our #ListenOnline2018 campaign which is well underway.

#ListenOnline2018 is our pledge to provide our community with 365 days of engaging, uplifting and
informative community broadcasting. Every single day, week, month or weekend has been allocated
a theme and our volunteer presenters have been encouraged to observe these themes when booking
their guests and producing their shows.

The first few themes of the year are as follows: 1 - 15th Jan is our #WellbeingFortnight, closely
followed by #HistoryWeek, then #NatureWeek. Please note the #hashtags… If you type them into
Facebook or Twitter along with #ListenOnline2018, you will be able to see all the subjects we have
discussed and guests we have interviewed.

So far during our #WellbeingFortnight we have interviewed Katy Brownbill from the NHS CCG about childhood obesity, Nicola Marshall from FoodFit UK, Sarah Lewis from the Healthy Lifestyle
Show, Ali Wheeler from Feel Good, Ben Selby from Right at Home and Gill Jefferies from Feeling Great Nutrition.

During the remainder of this week we have Pamela Adams from Kane Funeral Services and Kate
Carney from You In Mind talking about mental health, Lisa Webb from Canine Thinking talking
about canine wellbeing, Heather Crawford from Earth Sensei discussing Energy training and
advance Hypobirthing and Karen Rogers from Fit For Life Mum encouraging mums to get back their mojo!

If you missed any of these interviews you can catch them all via our Listen Again service found on
our homepage at and on our #ListenOnline2018 page where you will find links to every guest and their interview.

You can also book to be a guest by emailing Helen Gregory on or calling
01270 440 750 and leaving your contact details for her to call you back.

Looking ahead to February and our theme is #LoveYourCommunity month so we welcome anyone with a passion for getting involved or helping their community.

Community MeetUps
Our Community MeetUps begin next Thursday (18 January, 4.30 - 6pm) with our “Kick-Start 2018 MeetUp” at Cafe Cortado on Beam Heath Way where we have four of our Hub members located, each of whom will showcase what they do. If you would like to come along for refreshments and to find out about Watts Mortgages, JG Creative, Feeling Great Nutrition and even have a go on the JJ Studios Power Plates, then please call 01270 440 750 or email hello@redshiftonline to book.

Goodbye Elle
Finally, I dedicate this weeks article to Elle Morris, the sweet, funny and inspiring 11 year old from
Elle Morris
Nantwich who very sadly passed away this week following complications after a double-lung transplant.

I was privileged to get to know Elle, her mum and sister a couple of years ago when we hosted the Doggy Day Out in aid of Elle’s Wishes, a campaign set up to help Elle and her family enjoy lots of great experiences and create great memories. My most sincere condolences go to Becky and Cara and all of Elle’s family and close friends who fought a very brave battle to fix Elle and to make sure she fulfilled some huge ambitions in her short years.

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