Saturday 10 February 2018

Out & About

Win a Google Mini Speaker!

It’s been a long time coming, but finally we have gathered in all the remaining donations for our #ClimbKili2017 campaign and I am delighted to announce that the total raised by the 13 walkers was £18,752. This total has been split equally between four organisations so CRY for Matthew, Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Charity (the Dementia Appeal), the Wingate Centre and our Youth Activities at RedShift Radio, have now received a donation of £4,688 each.

At RedShift, we are using the funds to continue the opportunities we provide for 8 - 18 year olds to help improve their confidence, communication and collaboration skills by training them to produce and present radio shows, learn how to use industry standard media software to prepare them for (or support in) further higher and education and employment. This will allow us to work with eight young people this year.

On behalf of all the organisations, once again I would like to say a HUGE THANK YOU to everyone one who donated, sponsored and supported us walkers in our challenge of a lifetime. Thank you also to each of the walkers who made the commitment to each raising at least £1,000 for our campaign. Kilimanjaro has left a lasting impact on all of us (especially my hip!) and really was a gruelling challenge.

At the beginning of January we began our #ListenOnline2018 campaign to deliver 365 days of engaging, uplifting and informative community broadcasting. Now we have completed the first month, I think it is time for a review.

We use the #hashtags so when on social media, all the conversations relating to each theme and show can be found easily. Try it for yourself and have a look on Facebook and Twitter to see who we met during our #WellbeingFortnight and our #HistoryCulture, #WildlifeNature and #StorytellingTheatre weeks.

Highlights for me include interviewing Doug Butterill on the #CharitiesToday show with his amazing bird box and hedgehog home. Doug was joined in the studio by Graham Dodd from Nantwich Museum and we had a good chat about the history of Nantwich Mill and the RSPB’s Big Garden Birdwatch last weekend.

Ben Rafferty from Residence joined me on #BusinessDay and failed in his attempt to knock me off my Dry January challenge by bringing in a very tempting array of gins!

I enjoyed listening to Lucy Siebert from Hack Green Secret Nuclear Bunker chat to Chris Ridge from Air Products on the #BigBangQuery giving us numerous reasons to visit the hidden gem in our South Cheshire countryside.

We also welcomed some animals into the studio in January with Jess Wood from Zoo2U who
Ben Davies with Zoo2U kestrel
Ben Davies, presenter of
Musical Monday with
the Zoo2U kestrel
brought in a kestrel and tiny little hedgehog-like creature called a Tenrec and Lisa Webb, who runs
canine behaviourists Canine Thinking and who brought her gorgeous dogs in for a grilling by our teens Orlanda and Harvey.

Going into February, the whole month is #LoveYourCommunity and we are aiming to have guests on the radio from all walks of local life. Pamela Adams who runs Kane Funeral Services in Crewe and Steve Lawson from Nantwich Bookshop will both be on #BusinessDay on Wednesday 7 Feb from 12pm and Betsy Clewlow, a very interesting local octogenarian who was an army PE instructor and subsequently a jazz singer, poet and actor will be appearing on #WellbeingWeekly at 5pm on Sunday.

Don’t worry if you have missed one of our shows, we repeat everything once a week and most programmes are available to #ListenAgain via links from our website. Pop on to

Did you know that listening to RedShift online has become so much easier with the advent of Smart Speakers such as Amazon Echo (Alexa) and Google. You simply say “Play RedShift Radio” and hey presto, RedShift will begin playing! If you don't yet have a smart speaker, you can still tune in online at or on your mobile via the TuneIn app.

This brings me on nicely to the launch of our competition for February. Each week, we are giving away a Google Mini speaker worth £45 to one lucky listener. To enter, visit the competition page on our website and tell us the answer to this question: Who sponsors our "What's Happening" show and what is the presenter's name?

Submit your answer via the contact form on the website by midday on Thursday 15th February and we will announce the winner on Thursday's Big Bang Query at 6.45pm.

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